Saturday, 31 October 2009


Agak lama saya tidak post ke blog ini..

hanya menjenguk seketika beberapa perkara yang melanda negara mahupun cerita dari rakan2(dr blog lain)

jujur hati menjadi x tenteram bila mengenangkan muet, juaga beberapa masalah yanag masih berserabut dalam permikiran ini.

duduk di rumah cuti mmg bosan, lepak dgn kawan2?/ lagi la bosan kdg mmg agak bosan hidup ini...

lyn bnda yg sama blog,ms,fb. n ntah ape2 lagi la..

sekarang ini selalu memikirkan tentang kejujuran seseorang sama ada kawan, ahli keluarga mahupun jiran tetangga..

kejujuran seseorang mmg penting lebih lagi ketika dalam berkata2, namun bg saya jika kita rapat dgn seseorang kejujuran adalah asas utama dlm kehidupan..

tidak perlu kita sembunyikan perkara yg memang terang boleh diketahui oleh semua orang..

dlm sesebuah organisasi spt parti politik, sebuah negeri, sesebuah negara mahupun seantero dunia kejujuran dalam berkomunikasi adalah suatu perkara yang paling penting..

manakan tidak jika sesuatu perkara yg tidak digemari oleh mana2 pihak diketahui tanpa melalui perhubungan yang normal..sudah tenntu akan membuat pihak itu sakit hati dan marah lantas akan menimbulkan kacau bilau sebagai contoh akan semua parti2 politik di malaysia sekarang. Politik di malaysia sedang melaui zaman yang suram, zaman yang tiada nilai kepimpinan yg sebenar..

manakan tidak setiap event@acara yg berlaku mesti dikaitkan dengan perkembangan politik semasa....

oleh itu jujurlah dalam perhubungan jangan sampai ada yang terasa di hati..

cover line biarlah berpada pada jgn sampai ada yg putus suatu hari nnt..


Saturday, 1 August 2009

Istana Negara Perlu Di Pindah...


hari yg cukup penuh dgn debaran sebelum sampai ke Merbok..

mula2 time beli tiket dulu mmg terlupa pasal Perhimpunan hari ni,GMI + Pro ISA..

pagi2 lagi bangun dah sebok surf tenet, cari jalan alternatif, tgk perkembangan..

mmg sepanjang jalan nak g jalan duta sesak sangat, jalan nak masuk Pusat Bandar memang la, tataw nak ckp...

-semalam ramai kakitangan kerajaan dapat gaji..
-kebetulan PC Fair
-ade pulak himpunan 2 kumpulan(sian GMI gagal)
polis len kali adil la k, nak sekat jgn la sekat satu kumpulan je..semua baru dinamakan polis (central of democracy)

sampai duta nasib bek awal, tp bas pon sangkut juga, bas 5.30petang bertolak pukul 7 malam.

x kesah la korang nak tido kat istana ke apa ke, nak hantar memorandum ke, nak melancong ke, melencong kat istana ke...

tp bagi aku ISTANA NEGARA perlu dipindahkan...

alhamdulillah selamat sampai...kesian semua keluarga yang menuggu dgn penuh dedikasi td..thanks abah...

aku pon hantar memorandum gak td..hehe:]

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

these what we called a solution...

At the same time, measures will be taken to strengthen the teaching and learning of English in schools, he added. These include:

* Increasing the number of English teachers by 8,000, especially for rural schools.

* Teaching assistants for English will be allocated for large classes of more than 35 students in Years One and Two.

* Time allocated for English in Level 1 (Year One to Three) for national schools will be increased 90 minutes to 330 minutes a week, while for Level 2 (Year Four to Six) to 300 minutes a week.

* Time allocated for English in Level 1 at vernacular schools will be increased 100 per cent from 60 minutes to 120 minutes a week, and for Level 2 from 90 minutes to 120 minutes a week.

* Time allocated for English in Form One to Six will be added 80 minutes from 200 minutes to 280 minutes a week.

* Time allocated for Malaysian University English Test (MUET) in Form Six will be increased 80 minutes to 400 minutes a week.

* Time allocated for English in Matriculation courses will rise 100 per cent from three hours to six hours a week.

actually it is better to improve the way the student learn english beside make it into the first language.
for a long time waiting for some of the good measurement, now it come...

he is really some part of reformist..he is the person!!!

he is some kind of responsible govt..unity govt come from her, why i called so, because the opinion from the rakyat and pakatan he try to accept with no hard feeling..

Akhirnya Mereka Mengaku

Sumber 100% Malaysiakini

K'jaan akui PPSMI banyak kelemahan

Jurang pencapaian antara sekolah bandar dan luar bandar dalam mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik semakin melebar semasa dua subjek itu diajar dalam Bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI) sejak 2003.

Menteri pelajaran juga berkata laporan Trends in Mathematics and Science Study 2007 turut menyatakan kedudukan murid Malaysia dalam Sains merosot ke tangga 21 daripada tangga ke-20 pada 2003.

"Bagi mata pelajaran Matematik pula, kedudukan murid kita telah merosot daripada tangga ke-10 pada tahun 2003 ke tangga ke-20 pada tahun 2007," kata Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin hari ini.

Menurut Bernama, beliau berkata kajian universiti-universiti tempatan pula mendapati tahap peningkatan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris murid adalah nominal iaitu tidak lebih tiga peratus sepanjang pelaksanaan PPSMI.

"Tahap penguasaan bahasa Inggeris di kalangan murid terutamanya di luar bandar masih rendah menyebabkan mereka sukar untuk memahami pengajaran Matematik dan Sains dalam bahasa Inggeris," katanya dalam sidang media khas mengumumkan pembatalan dasar tersebut mulai 2012.

Tambahnya, berdasarkan pengamatan ini, kerajaan yakin bahawa Sains dan Matematik perlu diajar dalam bahasa yang mudah difahami oleh murid iaitu Bahasa Malaysia di sekolah kebangsaan dan bahasa ibunda masing-masing di SJK Cina dan SJK Tamil.

Kerajaan mengambil keputusan itu setelah meneliti secara terperinci hasil kajian dan pemantauan mengenai PPSMI yang menunjukkan bahawa ia tidak dapat diteruskan seperti dihasratkan, lapor agensi berita itu lagi.

"Apa yang dilaksanakan ialah PPSMI/BM iaitu guru-guru mengajar mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam dwi-bahasa iaitu Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Malaysia," Muhyiddin dipetik berkata.

Menurutnya lagi, pemantauan kementerian pada tahun lalu mendapati hanya sebahagian kecil guru menggunakan bahasa Inggeris sepenuhnya dalam pengajaran Sains dan Matematik.

"Secara purata, peratusan penggunaan bahasa Inggeris adalah antara 53-58 peratus daripada keseluruhan masa yang diperuntukkan bagi mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik," katanya.

Selain itu, tambah Muhyiddin, hanya sebahagian guru Matematik dan Sains di sekolah yang mengambil ujian Penilaian Tahap Profisiensi bahasa Inggeris pada tahun lalu mencapai tahap kepetahan.

Katanya, peratusan murid yang mendapat gred A, B dan C bagi mata pelajaran Sains dalam UPSR tahun lalu telah merosot daripada 85.1 peratus kepada 82.5 peratus bagi sekolah bandar dan daripada 83.2 peratus kepada 79.7 peratus bagi sekolah luar bandar.

"Bagi mata pelajaran Matematik, pencapaian murid bandar telah merosot daripada 84.8 peratus kepada 80.9 peratus manakala pencapaian murid luar bandar merosot daripada 80.9 peratus kepada 77 peratus," katanya seperti dilaporkan.

dari saya: Alhamdulillah bukan senang setiap sesuatu, nak mengaku akan kesalahannya yang telah didedahkan sejak bertahun lamanya....2003-2012 PPSMI R.I.P...

dari rakyat untuk rakyat..

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Rahsia Jacko

Tajuk posting kali ini ialah mengenai Rahsia Seorang Raja Pop. Tulisan ini dipaste sepenuhnya dari blog The Blog Of My Life bertajuk: Laporan bedah siasat Michael Jackson mengejutkan.

Keputusan bedah siasat yang dibocorkan kepada media menunjukkan Raja Pop, Michael Jackson amat kurus dan kepalanya hampir botak, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.

Berat badan Michael yang mesra dengan panggilan Jacko ketika masih hidup ialah 50.8 kilogram dan perutnya hampir kosong kecuali mengandungi beberapa pil yang sudah larut.

Menurut keputusan bedah siasat itu, pinggul, peha dan bahunya dipenuhi dengan kesan jarum dipercayai akibat suntikan ubat penahan sakit.

Dia yang meninggal dunia ketika berumur 50 tahun memakai rambut palsu ketika dia didatangi anggota-anggota perubatan, kata laporan itu.

“Dia kurus kering, rambutnya gugur dan dia tidak menjamah makanan tetapi pil ketika meninggal dunia,” kata satu sumber yang rapat dengan penyanyi itu kepada media.

Jacko meninggal dunia pada Khamis lalu di rumah yang disewanya di sini selepas diberikan ubat penahan sakit oleh doktor peribadinya.

Dia meninggal dunia selepas degupan jantungnya terhenti.

Menurut laporan bedah siasat itu: “Kesan suntikan terdapat di seluruh tubuhnya dan kecacatan itu disebabkan oleh pembedahan plastik yang dilakukan sejak bertahun-tahun lalu.

“Terdapat empat suntikan baru di sekitar jantungnya, kemungkinan daripada percubaan untuk mengepam adrenalin ke dalam jantung untuk menghidupkannya,” kata laporan itu.

Tiga daripada suntikan itu sudah menembusi dan merosakkan dinding jantungnya manakala suntikan keempat di tulang rusuk.

Menurut laporan bedah siasat itu lagi, beberapa tulang rusuknya patah ketika usaha menyelamatkannya dilakukan pada Khamis lalu.

Penyanyi itu mempunyai lebam misteri di bahagian lutut dan tulang kering serta di belakang badannya kemungkinan menunjukkan dia pernah terjatuh.

Terdapat parut di kulitnya dekat telinga kirinya dan bahagian itu botak sepenuhnya. Parut itu mungkin wujud berikutan kemalangan ketika dia menjalani penggambaran iklan Pepsi pada 1984.

Dalam penggambaran itu, rambutnya terbakar.

Keluarga Jacko meminta bedah siasat kedua dilakukan selepas bedah siasat pertama tidak menunjukkan bahawa dia meninggal dunia kerana perbuatan khianat.

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Langkah Benar...

SAlam utk semua...

seperti biasa jangkaan demi jangkaan telah digambarkan, aku melepaskan apa2 yang patut dilepas melupakan suatu langkah yang tidak sia2...

seperti biasa manusia bila dah mula rasa selesa di suatu tempat mereka mula untuk beralih arah, mengeji, menghina, dan mencaci merupakan amalan biasa manusia duniawi...

tekanan demi tekanan mulai terasa, dari pelbagai arah, masa, $$$, dgn tabiat manusia yang kadang2 membuatkan aku pening kepala... huh..sumpah x paham..

tapi sebenrnye apabila kita merasakan diri ini tidak dpt diterima masyarakat, maka mcm2 perkara akan berlaku. ade yang melenting, melantun dan yang jd semakin entah apa2 pon ade( x sedar diri).

sedarlah kte ni semuanya datang dari tempat yang sama, terjadi dr benih yang hina, keluar pon dari tempat yang hina...

so, mane salah faham tolonglah selesaikan jgn 'beria ia" nak cari kesalahan orang.

P:s selamat menanggung beban yang baru tu HC..

Monday, 22 June 2009


Salam to everyone...

selesai manifesto, tepat permikiran dalam konteks yang tak pernah berubah..

pembawakan yang sama dr bakal2 HC..

selesai sudah, membuka lembaran persoalan yang baru??

permasalahan yang bakal timbul selepas ini..

smoga segala salah faham yang wujud tidak berpanjangan..

kpd semua yang bertanggungjawab..please fikir kenape budak2 x berminat dgn benda2 nii..

cmmon aku taw korg matang satu tahap, ptut lebeih faham..jge lah amanah yg diberi..peluang tu beb..

papepon aku ttap dgn permikiran part 1..

Friday, 19 June 2009


2 terkeluar lagi 8 meneruskan persaingan,...

tak sangka baru dalam usia 19 tahun sudah ade unsur2 wang digunakan..

huhu.. kepada semua calon gud luck utk korg n all the best..

4 teratas sudah pasti milik yang btol2 layak...

teruskan usaha jgn lah rse takot utk berjuang..aku tetap mnyokong kalian..

P/S jgn giler kuasa lah... by mr H: ruginye ko x msok..
by mr Zul: ruginye ko x layak bertanding
to mrs B: taw la bnyk duet, pegi la lompat parti ke..yg penting ko dah x layak
to mr A,N,L,A : gudluck utk korg aku yakin korg btol2 tulus bukan gila kuasa punya orang..

Thursday, 18 June 2009


Salam sume kawan2..

Agak lama aku tak menjengah ke blog ini, hanya sempat melihat segala perkembangan semasa sahaja..sudah lama aku ingin berkongsi segala perihal yang sentiasa membelenggu fikiran ini. tika semester baru bermula sudah pastinya jangkaan aku terhadap penjadualan sebulan pertama memang tepat. Lecturer selalu tak de, masing2 ada hal mereka.. macam biasa sesuatu perubahan memang mengambil sedikit masa. Alhamdulillah, aku suka dgn semua lecturer yang mengajar pada sem ini, cuma ade sorg dua yang agak kelam kabut dalam mengajar subjek yang aku minat. Jadual untuk sebulan pertama agak tidak tertekan, tiada kelas malam sangat flexi. Aku berharap semua yang aku belajar semester ini difahami dgn mudah kerana aku telah kecundang sem yang lalu..

Aku sudah satukan mereka kembali, mmg mendapat tentangan mse mula2 tu. Tp hasilnye sekarang agak baik namun ak sudah nampak dia gembira semacam..hmm tape2 observe bile dah ok sorg plak lagi buat hal..ak try untuk dgr cerita kedua2 pihak namun hmm hasilnye aku terus terasa..cukuplah aku rase ak tak mahu lagi terlibat dgn masalah mereka..kepada kamu2 semua dah2 taw jgn gadoh2 x elok..blaja je la..buat hal masing2 je..pe2 pon in term of friendship ak nak ckp yg walau mcm mne kte benci seseorang tu korg tetap saling memerlukan antara satu sama lain. aku sayang kelas aku yang dulu, tak penah gadoh2..mula2 bell*,irin*,Ik*n,then come asm*..hmm aku tanak cakap lepas ni spe yang sepatutnye btul2 kena pulau..mungkin all my frenz sorry 4 everything..

ths sem i have decided that i want totally concentrate on my more plc, juz want to join d activity. dun wan to be the candidates it totally harsh to balance it at the same time. i have my own commitment to my beloved one.even there's still many request from many party ask me to be one of the candidates but, for me juz let me observe the condition what will goin to happen after ths hmm ...juz want to say sorry 4 everything.. coz i'm not a perfect person.

hmmm k la...:]

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

juz diammmmm...


Sunday, 7 June 2009

to all budak prelaw...

esok ade EGM taw..mesyuarat agung tergempar haha..

so pegi la yea..kol 8 malam
kat dewan sarjana
masuk adalah percuma

datang taw...

Saturday, 6 June 2009


Salam kepada sape2 je la...

alhamdulillah lega kerna dapatku merasai terus kehidupan sehingga saat ini..

terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada tuhanku yang maha agung dan yang maha esa, yang sentiasa memberi petunjuk akan kekhilafan dan kedangkilanku selama ini...

aku sedar aku hanyalah insan biasa yang masih mentah untuk mengharungi segala liku2 kehidupan..

nak cakap tentang masa depan mmg tak perlu buat masa ini, kerana hidupku sekarang yang masih tidak terurus sentiasa membaw aku kepada kekalutan yang kadang2 membuatku lemas tika masih mentah ini..

kepada sahabatku teruskanlah usia kalian sementara masih berada, jangan sombong, riak, atau lebih tinggi lagi ujub, dengan segala kelebihan dan nikmat yang telah diberi. Sedarlah entah apa yang ada pada diri kita ini yang tidak pernah menyatakan terima kasih pada yang esa, kawan2, mahupun ibubapa kita yang telah bnyk memastikan keberterusan dalam kehidupan. Tiada puitis atau bibik manis yang diperlukan untuk menyatakan terima kasih terhadap apa yang telah kalian terima..tidak sukar hanya TERIMA KASIH..

maafkan diri ini yang memang terasa hina sejak akhir2 ini..

tahniah kepada bro Nasha kerana terus mempertahankan posisimu..
no more Erdogan, no more controversy..daulah bro husam, i know u can change ur perception avoid all the misunderstanding, try to do something that will give everybody a lot of confident in this arena. Juz one, bring back the confident. There's still a little space 4 all of u to achive all the mission before all of us enter the age of 22..

ape2 pon hidup ini sementara tayah la nak riak k..


Tuesday, 2 June 2009

they called them perfectionist...


permulaan yang baik untuk semester baru ni..lecturer yg mngajar kelas ak agak best2 la...

cara mereka berfikir memang agak berbeza...

pengalaman meningkatkan kematangan...

terus masuk ke isi saya yang pertama iaitu mengenai perfectionist, cukupla last sem b n d berpuak puak..

tak perlu ak rse b n d terus berpuak puak,smoga permikiran kami semua pada sem ni akan terus menjadi semakin matang dgn bantuan madam2 sekalian..

membaca santapan hari2 terkejut dgn runtuhnye sebuah empayar(arena of shame),klu kat benua eroapah adanya Orange Arena..dgn harapan adanya sebuah suruhanjaya untuk menyiasat segala punca yang mnyebabkan bakal runtuhnya sebuah empayar di sebuah negeri yang mungkin akan tersebar satu malaysia(1Malaysian)...

tak pernah sebelum ini dgn bajet yang sebegitu besar hampir mencecah 300 jut, mnyebabkan bakal runtuhnya sebuah empayar..kepada suruhanjaya yang bakal ditubuhkan siasatlah dengan telus mana2 pihak yang perlu didakwa perlu dibawa ke pihak yang betul..

tp klu rakyat takot atau bimbang akan adanya mungkin menara setinggi KLCC runtuh seperti yg di pantai timur, maka wajib lah bg kita untuk mengelak kemudharatan dgn menukar empayar yang tampak semakin mngarut hari demi hari..

berjuanglah rakyat untuk keselamatan diri anda sendiri..

papepon sbg seorang pelajar tingkatkan prestasi, kurangkan kontoversi(Wahid)

p/s: mana2 yang rse bersalah tu cepatlah mngaku sebelum betul2 hancur empayarmu..

belajar terus belajar..(GPMS) haha

Saturday, 30 May 2009

datang dan pergi...

huh...salam perjuangan untuk semua mahasiswa...

bergerak kembali ke persada yang lebih berliku untuk menghadapi apa yang tidak pasti di masa hadapan..
maka bermulalah pencarian segala bekalan untuk masa hadapan, dalam pelbagai pra kata kita mencarinya untuk keberterusan kehidupan..

suku yang pertama berakhir dgn tiada perasaan hampa, namun sebagai seorang manusia yang bernafsu sudah pasti ketidakpuasan hati serta rasa tidak cukup sentiasa ada..syukur tuhan sentiasa memberi peluang kepada hambanya untuk memilih setiap pilihan yang diberi..

segala krisis dan kontroversi dan segala perkara yg telah melanda seorang demi seorang, puak demi puak,kelas demi kelas dan akhirnye membawa kepada perpecahan.. namun perasaan penuh harapan itu sentiasa ada untuk memastikan konsep 1Malaysia menjadi..

segerombolan 380+200 watak baru bakal ditempuh..segala latar belakang perlu dikaji untuk memastikan strategi 2012/13 berjalan dgn baik..peralihan kepada suatu yg lebih menjurus kepada sistem yang lebih kepada konsep sama rata bakal berlaku..tggu dan lihat kerana setiap hari bakal ada sahaja dugaan yang berlaku untuk melambatkan proses transformasi...

SALAM AWAL SEMESTER UNtuk Semua.....fikirkan apa yang kita telah sumbangkan pada masyarakat, bukan fikirkan apa yang masyarakat sumbang untuk kita, demi keharmonian manusia sejagat...kerana hidup ini bukan hanya untuk satu tujuan,semakin banyak halangan semakin matang permikiran...

Friday, 15 May 2009

The Malay Dilemma

“Dr Mahathir, whose father had some Indian ancestry, had always been obsessed with race, and the modern era of Malaysian politics can be traced to his book “The Malay Dilemma,” published in 1970, a decade before he came to power. It is a distillation of the kind of social Darwinism imbibed by Southeast Asians of Dr Mahathir’s cohort through their colonial education. The Malay race, the book argues, couldn’t compete with the Chinese for genetic reasons. Whereas the Chinese had been hardened over the centuries by harsh climates and fierce competition, the Malays were a lazy breed, fattened by an abundance of food under the tropical sun. Unfettered competition with the Chinese “would subject the Malays to the primitive laws that enable only the fittest to survive,” Dr Mahathir warned his fellow-nationals. “If this is done it would perhaps be possible to breed a hardy and resourceful race capable of competing against all comers. Unfortunately, we do not have four thousand years to play around with.”


Monday, 11 May 2009

Satu persatu!!!

Alhamdulillah, saudara Nizar menang kes di Mahkamah Tinggi...

Suatu kepastian UMNO Be End akan meneruskan penipuan mereka ke Mahkamah Rayuan..

harap saudara Nizar akan terus memikirkan strategi yang bakal digunakan pihak kudeta..

Si Mongolia tampak tidak keruan apabila meminta semua bertenang menerima keputusan..
siapa yang tidak bertenang ni??yela padahal hari ini nak ikutkan Si anak bapak 13 Mei nak umumkan calon pilihan raya Penanti..oppss tak menang plak adoi x de rezeki nak menipu nak wat camne..huhu

sebarang strategi bakal digunakan UBN...sekarang ni dah jd terbalik dulu waktu Zambry jd MB Sivakumar jd Speaker..hah sekarang MB yang sah iaitu saudara Nizar terpaksa menghadapi speaker dr BEnd plak..huh..semakin lama semakin panas kes ni

jalan terbaik untuk menyelkesaikan kes ni hanya satu sahaja iaitu melalui pembubaran DUN

"Innallaha maa Sobirin"

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Chan Nyarn Hoi lives in a modest two-storey semi-detached house in a quiet lane near the state stadium in Perak with his wife, a dog and seven large Japanese carp.
At 74 years old and with ruddy smooth cheeks under a full head of snowy white hair, few would connect him to the acerbic, no-nonsense former judge Datuk N.H. Chan, who has in the last couple of months done the unthinkable: fire away missives at judges who have trampled on the Federal Constitution in deciding issues related to the power grab in Perak. His lengthy articles have reminded Malaysians of a time gone by when towering individuals sat on the Bench and simplified the Perak constitutional crisis for the common man.

Still seething over the events that transpired in Perak and decisions of the apex court, he says that if Malaysians are upset with the state of the judiciary and think that the present crop of judges are not up to the mark, they should exercise the power of their vote to change the state of affairs in the country.

Born in Ipoh on March 27, 1935, Chan was admitted to the Bar in 1961. He was a lawyer for almost two decades before becoming a High Court judge and moving to Kuala Lumpur.

He was among the first batch of High Court judges to be elevated to the Court of Appeal, set up in 1994 to act as an intermediate court between the High Court and the apex court.

Chan's first book, “Judging the Judges”, was published in 2007 and is a collection of his articles for the Perak Bar. Only 1,000 copies were published.

His second book, “How to Judge the Judges”, is expected to come out some time in the middle of the year. The final draft has just been sent to the publishers. They wanted him to include the Perak saga as well, but because it is ongoing, he had to draw a line somewhere. He has included some information in the epilogue.

In an exclusive interview, the former judge, who was recommended to the Bench by none other than Sultan Azlan Shah, the Sultan of Perak and a central figure in the present crisis, tells The Malaysian Insider why he feels compelled to speak out.

Q: Unlike many former judges, you have been very vocal in your criticisms against the judiciary. What drives you?

A: In the first place, I am not against the judiciary. I am sure there are some good judges around, only they have not manifested themselves in the present constitutional, should I say, crisis in Perak.

I expected James Foong JCA (as he then was, he is now a Federal Court judge) to do the right thing but he failed to do that. I suppose it takes great courage for a Court of Appeal judge who sat as a winger in the Federal Court to give a dissenting judgment.

Now, back to your question. When I became a judge I had to be true to my calling which is to know that the essence of justice is fair trial and the duty of the judge is to administer it according to law.

Lord Devlin in his book “The Judge”, wrote on page 4: “...impartiality and the appearance of it are the supreme judicial virtues. It is the verdict that matters, and if it is incorrupt, it is acceptable. To be incorrupt it must bear the stamp of a fair trial.”

And at page 85 he said: “The first — ought one to say the whole — duty of the judge is to administer justice according to law.”

Back to page 3, the book said: “What is the function of the judge? Professor Jaffe has a phrase for it — 'the disinterested application of known law' (Jaffe in his book “English and American Judges as Lawmakers”, page 13)”

This means that the judge's only duty is to do justice in the disinterested application of known law. Known law means basic law and the term includes both common law and statute law.

The judge who gives the right judgment but does not appear to be impartial is useless to the judicial process. After that, the judge's whole duty or function is to decide the case according to law on the admissible evidence before him.

And what do you call a judge who does not administer justice according to law? A renegade judge? So now you know why I am so vocal when I admonish the errant judges who did not apply unambiguous law as it stands.

Q: You have been especially blunt in your views over the issues in Perak. Why so?

A: You mean for calling a spade a spade? What do you call a judge who doesn't follow or apply easy to understand and unambiguous statute law as it stands?

Like Article 72(1) of the Federal Constitution which says: “The validity of any proceedings in the Legislative Assembly of any State shall not be questioned in any court”.

This law applies to all members of the legislative assembly — it does not matter if you are DAP or PKR or MCA or Barisan Nasional or any political party. Even a child could understand the plain meaning of the words. We do not need the Federal Court to interpret (meaning “explain the meaning of”) the words for us. Nor do we need any law professor from Singapore to tell us Malaysians that the courts should have the power of judicial review over what has transpired in Parliament or a Legislative Assembly.

There is separation of powers between the Legislature and the Judiciary of this country. We all know that one can apply to the courts for a judicial review over executive actions. But there is no such thing as judicial review over what transpired in the legislature — if there is such a thing then we can have judicial review over the passing into law of certain Acts of Parliament that we don't like — like the ISA.

A long time ago when I was a High Court judge, I have sentenced many criminals to death without qualms. But personally I am against the death sentence because it is barbaric. But as a judge I must apply the law as it is.

To quote Lord Denning: “It is their [the judges] duty to administer and apply the law of the land. If they should divert it or depart from it — and do so knowingly — they themselves would be guilty of a misuse of power.”

I would never dream of doing such a thing.

Q: Why did you choose to air your views so publicly? I'm trying to understand why you got involved.

A: I'm only an outsider and I don't care. But when everybody is missing the point and all that — and some of them have not even read the Perak Constitution, I thought I better explain why the people are angry.

Q: Why do you think the people are angry?

A: Do you know why the Perakians were up in uproar against the Sultan of Perak?

It's because, as any lawyer will tell you, especially as he was Lord President before, that before you make a decision, you cannot see the parties. If you want to meet any of the parties, both of them must be present. You never do so by seeing one and then making a decision. The moment you do that, to the losing side or to any observer will think you have been influenced. So it's the impression that counts.

They were angry with the Sultan because they can sense it in their bones that it is wrong to make a decision to see the other side first.

Q: Is the Sultan morally wrong or legally wrong?

A: If the Sultan had executive powers to rule, it is legally wrong, so they could apply for judicial review of the Sultan's decision. But I pointed out in my first article he has no executive power to rule because he is not an executive monarch, he is a constitutional monarch. What he did was morally wrong.

Q: You must have seen many things during your time as a judge. What is wrong with Malaysia’s justice system? What can be done to correct it? And what’s stopping the necessary changes from taking place?

A: I don't think there is anything wrong with our judicial system. It is the players that we should be concerned with — if we get the right people on the Bench, that is, those people who are not interested in power — because power corrupts, those fair-minded individuals who would administer justice according to law, then we will have a judiciary to be proud of.

We used to have that at one time. And if the general public think that the present crop of errant judges are not up to the mark, then the remedy is to use the power of the vote to change the present state of things.

At the general election of 1906 the common people of England toppled the Conservative Government of the day because they were unhappy with the decision of the House of Lords in the Taff Vale case which had virtually put an end to trade unions six years earlier.

That case had immense political consequences. At the general election of 1906 the opposition pledged complete immunity for trade unions.

Lord Denning said in his book “Landmarks in the Law”, page 121: “The result of the general election was like an earthquake. ... It was a sweeping victory for the trade unions. Parliament immediately passed the Trade Disputes Act 1906. It is probably the most important Act ever put into the Statute Book. It reversed all the judicial decisions against trade unions. The Taff Vale case was overruled. No trade union could thereafter be sued for damages for any wrongs done by its members. Its funds were unassailable.”

There is a well known Spanish proverb which says, “He who goes with wolves learns to howl.” So that if the electorate don't trust the judges they tend to put the blame on the government who put the judges there.

Q: Many ordinary Malaysians today feel powerless to affect positive changes to the institution of the judiciary because they lack legal knowledge. Do you agree with this view? How do you think they can work to bring about the change they want?

A: I think the real problem is this. In most cases when you read about a court decision in the newspapers, the judgment of the court is expressed in such a way that the average reader will not know if the judge is right. So invariably, we assume that the judge must be right.

I do realise the problem, so I thought I should try to explain the issue in simple language so that everyone will be able to judge for himself whether the judge is doing the right thing or not.

Lord Denning was famous for explaining difficult law in such a way that any lay reader can understand it. Now that they know how to judge the judges by reading my articles, they could, if they thought they have been short-changed by the judges, do the same thing as was done by the electorate in 1906 England. They have the power to change the government of the day by their vote in the next general election.

The opposition, in order to get the people's vote, could pledge to undo all the wrongs done to the community by the judges. They could pledge that if they were given the mandate of the people to form the next government, they would pass an Act of Parliament to overrule such unjust decisions of the Federal Court such as Adorna Properties vs Boonsorm Boonyanit, the Asean Security Mills, PP vs Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as well as all the decisions of the Federal Court pertaining to the Perak constitutional crisis which were not decided according to law — where the court had blatantly refused to apply Article 72 of the Federal Constitution.

They could also pledge to remove the errant judges from office. This is how it could be done.

In “What Next in the Law”, Lord Denning said, page 319: “Parliament is supreme. Every law enacted by Parliament must be obeyed to the letter. No matter how unreasonable or unjust it may be, nevertheless, the judges have no option. They must apply the statute as it stands.”

Yet the errant judges, especially the five in the Federal Court, have refused to apply Article 72 of the Federal Constitution as it stands.

In his book, “The Judiciary in Malaysia” (Asia Pacific Publications Sdn Bhd, 1994) the then Chief Justice of Malaysia Tun Abdul Hamid Omar said, page 88: “... the provisions dealing with the removal of judges in pursuance of an address in Parliament … was modified to provide for a special tribunal to be established for the removal of judges.”

That is incorrect. Actually Article 125(3) of the Federal Constitution only applies to judges of the Federal Court.

At the time of the fracas between the then Lord President Tun Salleh Abbas and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad in 1988, Article 125(3) of the Federal Constitution provides for the removal of judges of the Federal Court on the ground of “misbehaviour or of inability”.

Article 125(3) and (4) reads:

“125(3) If the Prime Minister, or the Lord President after consulting the Prime Minister, represents to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong that a judge of the Federal Court ought to be removed on the ground of misbehaviour or on the ground of inability, from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause, properly to discharge the functions of his office, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall appoint a tribunal in accordance with Clause (4) and refer the representation to it; and may on the recommendation of the tribunal remove the judge from office.

“125(4) The said tribunal shall consist of not less than 5 persons who hold or have held office as a judge of the Federal Court, the Court of Appeal or a High Court or, if it appears to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong expedient to make such appointment, persons who hold or have held equivalent office in any other part of the Commonwealth, and shall be presided over by the member first in the following order, namely, the Chief Justice of the Federal Court, the President and the Chief Judges according to their precedence among themselves, and other members according to the order of their appointment to an office qualifying them for membership (the older coming before the younger of two members with appointments of the same date).”

The book “The Judiciary in Malaysia” said — this part is significant so do pay special attention to it — page 89: “Until the recent amendment in 1994, the grounds for the removal of a judge was 'misbehaviour or of inability', The Constitution (Amendment) Act 1994, however, substituted for the word 'misbehaviour', the words 'any breach of any provision of the code of ethics prescribed under Clause 3A...'. The effect of this amendment is that, besides the inability, either from infirmity of body or mind, or any other cause, properly to discharge the functions of his office, a judge may be removed if he has breached the code of ethics prescribed for judges.

“Article 125(3A) provides that the code of ethics shall be observed by every judge, be it, the judge of the Federal Court, the Court of Appeal or the High Court.”

This is what Section 2 of the Judges' Code of Ethics 1994 says:

“2(1) This Code of Ethics shall apply to a judge throughout the period of his service.

“2(2) The breach of any provision of this Code of Ethics may constitute a ground for the removal of a judge from office.”

So now we all know that any serving judge could be removed from office for a breach of any provision of the Judges' Code of Ethics 1994.

Section 3(1)(d) is the provision in the Code of Ethics to apply against the errant judges. It reads: A judge shall not conduct himself dishonestly or in such a manner as to bring the Judiciary into disrepute or to bring discredit thereto”.

I think the words in Section 3(1)(d) are clear enough — we all know what they mean. So that if a judge brings the judiciary into disrepute or discredit, as the errant judges have done by not administering justice according to law, they could be removed from office under this provision. It's a bit harsh, but it can be done.

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Melaga Permikran Rakyat....

oit utusan pe cher ni...

sejak ble ko sibuk pasal urusan dalaman parti PAS..

jangan cuba nak melagakan permikran rakyat

jangan cuba nak melaga laga kan kepimpinan PAS

dah 2 mggu dah ko menyemak nak cakap pasal puak2 dalam PAS..

better korg diam sebelum utusan sekali hancur ...

orang dah lame x percaya cerita2 korg la...

ak bakar UTUSan baru taw...stop la..naikkan la balik UMNO BE END tu..

Thursday, 23 April 2009


Pertama sekali ak rse bersyukur dpt rapat dengan diee..

knpe la wat cmni kat ak...

ak mmg x sempurna, tp jgn la letakkan kesalah atas ak...

ak sayang ko sangat..ak x kan lupekan ko...

maafkan ak please...kadang2 ak seolah olah x mengerti ape yg ko mahu sebenrnye...

ak mmg x bgus bab2 ak sayang ko...

skunk ni ak x taw pe yg dah jd kat ak,,,..bnda ni first time ak rse..

rse mcm ak x pnah ade niat nak tinggalkan diee...

ak taw diee masuh perlukan ak,,..x yah nak tipu ak dpt rse..

mcm mane sekalipun ak akan tetap kejar ko....

Monday, 20 April 2009

Exam tadi....

Alhamdulillah....the best word to say..

pelik la td, x penah ak tgk muke budak2 semacam je td...

takot pon ade...ak taw soklan law td best n mencabar..

pe2 pon sume dah jawab pon...rezeki masing2 r...

hahahha..tahniah sume dah berjaya td...

but satu je ak nak cakap..x yah tunjuk sangat keyakinan korg tu..

korg patut merndah diri..zuhud tu penting bai...even bgus cmne korg sekalipon rendah diri tu penting sangat!!!..

gud luck 4 the next test...

Thursday, 9 April 2009

buat kerja!!!

Perdana menteri - Datuk Seri Najib Razak

Timbalan perdana menteri - Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri

Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon - perpaduan & pengurusan prestasi
Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz - perundangan dan Parlimen
Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop - Unit Perancang Ekonomi
Mej Jen (B) Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom - hal ehwal Islam

Timbalan-timbalan menteri:

Datuk Liew Vui Keong
Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim
Datuk SK Devamany
Ahmad Maslan
T Murugiah

Menteri kewangan I
Datuk Seri Najib Razak

Menteri kewangan II
Datuk Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlah

Datuk Chor Chee Heung (timbalan)
Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin (timbalan)

Menteri pelajaran
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin

Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong (timbalan)
Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi (timbalan)

Menteri pengangkutan
Datuk Ong Tee Keat

Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri (timbalan)
Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew (timbalan)

Menteri perusahaan, perladangan dan komoditi
Tan Sri Bernard Dompok
Datuk Hamzah Zainudin (timbalan)

Menteri dalam negeri
Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein

Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop (timbalan)
Jelaing Mersat (timbalan)

Menteri penerangan, komunikasi, kesenian dan kebudayaan
Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim

Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum (timbalan)
Senator Heng Seai Kie (timbalan)

Menteri tenaga, teknologi hijau dan air
Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui
Noriah Kasnon (timbalan)

Menteri kemajuan luar bandar dan wilayah
Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal

Datuk Hassan Malek (timbalan)
Datuk Joseph Entulu Belaun (timbalan)

Menteri pengajian tinggi
Datuk Seri Mohd Khaled Nordin

Datuk Dr Hou Kok Chung (timbalan)
Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah (timbalan)

Menteri perdagangan antarabangsa dan industri
Datuk Mustapa Mohamed

Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir (timbalan)
Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan (timbalan)

Menteri sains, teknologi dan inovasi
Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili
Fadillah Yusof (timbalan)

Menteri sumber asli dan alam sekitar
Datuk Douglas Uggah Embas

Tan Sri Joseph Kurup (timbalan)

Menteri pelancongan
Datuk Ng Yen Yen
Datuk Seri Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Abdul Taib (timbalan)

Menteri pertanian dan industri asas industri
Datuk Noh Omar

Datuk Johari Baharum (timbalan)
Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim (timbalan)

Menteri pertahanan
Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad (timbalan)

Menteri kerja raya
Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor
Datuk Yong Khoon Seng (timbalan)

Menteri kesihatan
Datuk Liow Tiong Lai
Datuk Rosnah Rashid Shirlin (timbalan)

Menteri belia dan sukan
Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek

Datuk Razali Ibrahim (timbalan)
Wee Jeck Seng (timbalan)

Menteri sumber manusia
Datuk Dr S Subramaniam
Datuk Maznah Mazlan (timbalan)

Perdagangan dalam negeri dan hal-ehwal pengguna
Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaakob
Datuk Tan Lian Hoe (timbalan)

Menteri perumahan dan kerajaan tempatan
Datuk Kong Cho Ha
Datuk Lajim Ukin (timbalan)

Menteri pembangunan wanita, keluarga dan masyarakat
Datuk Seri Sharizat Jalil
Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun (timbalan)

Menteri luar
Datuk Anifah Aman

A Kohilan Pillay (timbalan)
Datuk Lee Chee Leong (timbalan)

Menteri wilayah persekutuan
Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin
Datuk M Saravanan (timbalan)


x kan la kna daftar balik 1 Jun??

cmmon la..apsal kejap gler cuT??

sayang cmne ne niee...



debat pnya camp jgn harap la....

doakan kejayaan bersama for final Exam.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Mohon Restu Rakyat

hahaha...dah la terdesak...pastu nak men mohon2 restu plak..

tggu je la waktu berkempen sudah pon tamat...

kini hanya kuasa besar yang bakal menentukan..bukan BN mahupun PAKATAN..

kuasa besar itu adalah RAKYAT...


bg duit minyak esok..
belanja makan..
provokasi lawan
bawa ke tempat mengundi
bawa pengundi hantu
halang dr keluar mengundi

hmm,,sekali lagi mohon restu rakyat...



Wednesday, 25 March 2009

hmm..people people!!

kepimpinan pemuda bakal dipimpin oleh YB Rembau yg menang dgn undi post

silap2 kemenangan dia pon dgn cara yg sama gak kot

pe2 pon harap sgt dy dapat mencorakkan kembali kepimpinan pemuda

pihak satu lagi bila2 masa je bakal mengambil tampuk pemerintahan

buat keje btol k...

congrats 2 sharizat

2 kepimpinan baru dua sayap parti diharapkan dapt memastikan parti yang bakal terkubur ini berubah imejnya..

sbg rakyat nantikan sesuatu yg bakal membangkitkan semangat nasionalisme dalam beberapa saat sahaja..kejutan bakal berlaku

to be continued...

Monday, 16 March 2009


hahaha...x gler cukuuppppp///kah3..

huhu...epi gak la pas balik dr LAWATAN ILMIAH conducted by Pre LAw club...

malas la nak cte pasal mne kitowg pegi, coz korg pon bole g sendiri pny...

SEBUT la gak..LiBRary Kepimpinan, library PoJ, Library IIUM, and Library UM..

hah?? x kan library je???

hahah tu la hakikatnye...xpe la library pon kre melawat gak la...

tempat2 tambahan..McD seksyen3 SA, court n jail kat PoJ, Sunway Pyramid, MAIS pny wisma, kedai jual burger, kedai mamak, masjid Putra, SOUQ under masjid, pastu pe lagi ntah...ka3..

At first mmg la rse mcm mls nak g...
ne tak nye taw2 je bdk P1 yg g ak nagn Azri je..adoyai pe tah...
tp x kesa la ade je bdk2 part len yg ak rapat..
balik2 cluz je dh kna siap kol 6 plak tuh...pnat kowt, dah siap packing barang sume tros grak..pergh smpai2 je zack pggil ak then master hulur sekotak KFC..hahha lega gak r,...ahaaa,,RM 20 sekali wat beli pe tah...pastu g letak barang pastu taw2 je kat dlm bas dah x de tempat duduk..dua2 bas plak tuh..hmm,,xpe r gua mmg
kool gak la..agk bese la dok bwh dalam lagi otw g shah alam wat bese sudeyh,,, hmm,, pastu cm bese la dok dlm bas x kan tu pon nak cte.. brhenti kat simpang pulai budak2 pre law yg s**k ni berkejaran cari pe tah...ak pon folo la sekali pas bnda uh dlm tndas...hahah2 klaka gak tgk budak2 ni men keja2 g bli bnda tuh..

ak x kesa pon dok dlm bas tp diowg ni asyik dok pndang ak je..tu yg segan tuh...

seb bek ade aftal, yazid..hahah siap sggup tuka2 tmpat duduk ngan ak... nak harap rummate ak jgn harap la nak offer,,nme je rummate..bla la...patut nye ko yg kna dok bwh taw x???

HMM,x pela setiap perkara adalah suatu pengalamn..ak gembira dapt folow g lawatan ni untuk melihat corak kepimpinan yang ternyta agak menarik untuk diperkatakan..

smpai mais kol 12 lbey
grak kedai burger(McD under maintainance)
tido pada waktu yang best
bangkit pada waktu yang perit
gerak g YKPerdana dalam kesesatan
pergi sembahyang didalam limpahan rahmat
PoJ dalam keadaan yg semangat jaya,,

then pe lagi gua mls nak folo g sunway coz mls nak pegi,,sunway je pon
balik umah 5 jam
kol 11 smpai then lepak Mcd plak..
kol 2 tdo

gerak g UIAM
pastu lepak jap kat gombak ngan bdk2 part2 nek bas lambat plak uh
direct g UM (time crisis 3)
then kembali ke tempat asal lpak2 dulu kat R&R sg.buloh
pastu rosak la pe la,,,nk bg DD la aiyo...
smpai kol 11 someone dah tggu...

pe2 pon mmg njoy sgt la program ni next sem nearest high court HOPE bdk part1 ths sem JGN BUAT KEPALA BAJET TAHU,...sume org ade tugas msg2 la cmmon la nme budak Uni
buat la cara dah besar k>>>

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Politicians wife...

There is quite a difference between what Wan Azizah Ismail would like to do and what she knows she has to, and will, do. Ten years from now,for example, the 56-year-old would like “to imagine herself conducting a peaceful life and spending more time with her six children, grandchildren and relatives”. Yet she knows it is an unlikely scenario. “My husband will probably need help, and I have to do what is right for my country and for my husband.”That is, after all, what she has already done for over a decade, since she was forced to deputise for her husband – Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. Mr Anwar returned to active politics last year after spending years in jail on what most people believe were politically motivated charges. He has since been elected to Parliament, taking over the seat in Penang’s Permatang Pauh constituency that Dr Azizah had won in three previous elections.And he is poised to officially take over the leadership of the People’s Justice Party, or Keadilan, of which Dr Azizah is chairwoman. The party has its roots in a non-governmental organisation she established in 1999 to fight for the release of her husband. These changes are welcomed by Dr Azizah. “It is what I prefer. I feel I have come full circle. I was the wife of a politician, then I became a politician, and now I am going back to being the wife of a politician. It is fine. I am first and foremost a wife and mother.” She also admits candidly, “I will never be as good a politician as Anwar. It is right that he takes charge”.
Things are not quite like that, though. Dr Azizah lacks Mr Anwar’s oratorical skills and, unlike her husband, who was a firebrand student activist in the 1970s, she never got into student politics.

Educated first at a Catholic school, then at an elite private school, she went to Ireland to study ophthalmology while still very young. In Dublin, Malaysian politics was never a concern and she never developed political ambitions nor much political acumen. Still, when forced to enter politics, she held her own, mostly thanks to a different set of qualities that turned her into an icon of the Reformasi movement that her husband had started. To most Malaysians, she is no longer simply Mr Anwar’s wife. The first thing that strikes one about Dr Azizah is her gentle demeanour. Bespectacled, frail-looking and with a pale complexion, she speaks softly and has rarely been seen angry. The second thing that strikes one is the strength of conviction those same softly spoken words carry. It is this combination that gained her wide trust and admiration. Gayathry Venkiteswaran, executive director of the Centre for Independent Journalism, explains Dr Azizah’s trajectory succinctly. “At the beginning, she was seen as [Malaysia’s answer to former Philippine president] Corazon Aquino, fighting the injustice inflicted upon her husband. But then she was able to use the platform provided by the party to raise the profile of democracy, justice and integrity on the national agenda. That’s something she should be recognised for.

“While awaiting Anwar’s release, Wan Azizah responded positively to civil society pressures and issues, and allowed for more of these to get highlighted. In so doing, for a while, she became the face of justice and democracy.” He is disappointed that Dr Azizah sacrificed her parliamentary seat for Mr Anwar, but Sim Kwang Yang, a former parliamentarian with the Democratic Action Party and now a prolific political writer, argues that vacating her seat does not mean
she will disappear. “She has been a towering figure; she will still be involved and continue to inspire.” Dr Azizah knows she is at a new juncture. And while questions about the future remain unanswered, she can now look back and assess what she has gone through, and Malaysia’s political situation. The toughest time, she said, was having to stay strong during Mr Anwar’s trials. He was arrested in September 1998, charged with corruption and committing sodomy with his wife’s chauffeur, Azizan Abu Bakar. When arrested, he had just been stripped of the position of deputy premier and was the de facto opposition to long-serving prime minister Mahathir Mohamed. In April 1999 he was sentenced to six years in prison for corruption and, in August 2000, to nine years for sodomy. The latter sentence was quashed in a 2004 appeal. Throughout the trials, Dr Azizah never doubted her husband’s innocence and provided an image of dignity, strength and stoicism. Among the reasons that pushed her to fight, she highlighted “the need for justice” and “the family’s honour”. Faith supported her in the darkest hours. “I had to stand for justice. Facing it all was the only way to show that it was all fabricated. But I also had to keep the family together, and safeguard the honour of my family. With their father away and humiliated, I had to be there for my children. This is something that I felt very strongly about,” she said. “But it was very difficult. I am only human and I did have moments of weakness. But Islam says that you will not be tested more than you can handle. This knowledge helped me. I knew I could stand it.” Those who know her say that Dr Azizah’s spirituality is a very private matter. The most outward sign of it is the glove on her right hand; she started wearing it when her political career forced her to shake the hands of many men, something not allowed in Islam.

As she grew into the position of opposition leader, Dr Azizah had to withstand divisions in the party, electoral disappointments and harassment from the government. The latter included attacks from then-information minister Mohamed Rahmat, who argued that she was “unfit to lead the Malays” since she had been “educated in Singapore” and had “Chinese blood”. Her maternal grandfather was from Malacca (now Melaka) and had Chinese forebears, while her mother was brought up in Singapore. Dr Azizah believes Malaysia is changing. “There is hope on the horizon,” she says. “Anwar’s arrest marked the start, rather than the end, of the campaign for reform. After that, we had some reforms for a while. Then, in 2004, the prime minister changed, but unfortunately the new premier [Abdullah Badawi] did not do much. So now we have another wave that is pushing for change. But this one is Wan Azizah Ismail, wife of Anwar Ibrahim stronger; it comes from the grass-roots.” In June, Mr Anwar’s former aide Saiful Bukhari Azlan accused him of sodomy. An arrest warrant was issued on July 15. “The new accusation of sodomy against Anwar is an attempt to stop this wave,” said Dr Azizah. “It shows that we have to work more, to work harder. Because whatever we have gone through, it has not yet resulted in the Malaysia we want.” Unsurprisingly, Dr Azizah believes Mr Anwar is the right man to lead the country. She says she is being “as objective as possible”. “I think Anwar is today the best the country can offer. Mahathir was good in the early days, but he later deteriorated. Abdullah has some qualities, but I’m disappointed with what he has done. Current deputy premier Najib Razak has too many skeletons in his closet, and I fear that, with him, Malaysia will return to the darkest days of Mahathirism.” Mr Najib is slated to take over from Mr Abdullah this month.
There have been attempts to link the deputy prime minister to the murder of a Mongolian-born model, Altantuya Shaariibuu. Mr Najib has denied any involvement and has sworn on the Koran that he never met Shaariibuu, 28. Dr Azizah says Mr Anwar has not changed much from the young man she met in 1978, soon after she returned to Malaysia from Ireland. She was working at a hospital in Kuala Lumpur when a mutual friend introduced them. She knew of Mr Anwar but had never met him. At that time, he was leader of Abim, a Muslim youth group, and he had set up Yayasan Anda, a foundation to train poor Malay youths. “He was already charismatic, a good orator and a principled man,” she said. The couple married in 1980, despite initial objections from Dr Azizah’s father, a former senior officer in the Malaysian Special Branch, a police agency which specialised in “psychological war” against the communists. He was unhappy with Mr Anwar’s 1974 detention under the Internal Security Act for allegedly being “pro-communist”. Mr Anwar served 20 months for that accusation. Once married, Mr Anwar joined the United Malays National Organisation in 1982 and began a meteoric political rise – helped, Dr Azizah said, “by his ability to relate to and connect with people, but hampered by his excessive trust in others, which caused him many problems”. These two sides of Mr Anwar’s personality are still present, she said. “I also still admire his strength to bounce back.”


Sunday, 8 March 2009

Rakyat 308!!!

Himpunan bukti rakyat sokong kerajaan negeri
Mohd Sabri Said
Sun | Mar 08, 09 | 12:03:25 pm MYT

GEORGETOWN, 8 Mac (Hrkh) - Himpunan rakyat sempena setahun pemerintahan Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang yang diadakan di Padang Kota Lama semalam mendapat sokongan kuat masyarakat sekaligus memberi isyarat bahawa terlalu sukar untuk Barisan Nasional (BN) merampas kembali tampuk kuasa yang diamanahkan kepada gabungan tiga parti iaitu Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP), Parti Keadilan Rakyat Malaysia (KeADILan) dan Parti Islam Se Malaysia (PAS) yang memenangi pilihan raya umum ke-12 dengan penuh bergaya.

Kegusaran BN dan Umno nyata menjadi kenyataan apabila 8 Mac 2008 menjadi 'mimpi ngeri' mereka sejak berkuasa selama 51 tahun. Apa yang dibimbangi akhirnya terpalit kerana kepimpinan yang diharapkan membela rakyat akhirnya berlaku curang menekan hak rakyat, memeras keringat rakyat atau kata lain menjadi nada kepada golongan elit membuli rakyat bawahan secara terang terangan.

Detik hitam bagi BN dan Umno sukar di padam dari ingatan rakyat jelata setelah memberi mandat baru kepada Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat yang di lihat bersih daripada sebarang skandal kerana masing-masing merupakan parti yang didukungi oleh para kepimpinan yang menolak rasuah sejak awal-awal lagi.

Gejala rasuah sebenarnya yang meruntuhkan kepercayaan rakyat terhadap BN dan Umno.

Di mana gejala tersebut kini menjadi barah yang kronik dan tiada lagi ubat yang boleh menyembuhkanya melainkan bubar sahaja parti dalam komponan BN yang diterajui Umno dan sama-sama menyertai Pakatan Rakyat untuk membina negara ke arah yang lebih Cemerlang, Gemilang dan Terbilang sebagaimana yang diinginkan oleh Perdana Menteri, Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sejak awal mendapat kuasa daripada tangan mantan Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Kemenangan lima buah negeri iaitu Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Selangor dan dapat mempertahankan Kelantan dengan kemenangan muklak membuktikan rakyat sudah muak dengan karenah yang dimainkan oleh kepimpinan BN.

Tempoh setahun pemerintahan Pakatan Rakyat khususnya di Pulau Pinang berjaya merubah beberapa pendekatan yang selama ini tidak difikirkan oleh kerajaan yang senantiasa mencari jalan membebani rakyat dengan kenaikan barangan seharian, petroleum, kadar tol dan seumpamanya.

Kenaikan demi kenaikan yang diumumkan oleh Kerajaan BN rupa-rupanya adalah bom tangan yang belum dilemparkan dan apabila dilemparkan ia memercik serta terkenalah sasaran utama sehingga terguling Kerajaan BN yang angkuh di beberapa buah negeri di Pantai Timur Semenanjung.

Bila berlaku peristiwa hitam itu Umno dan parti lain dalam BN bagaikan 'gila meroyan' kononnya mereka masih berkuasa sedangkan hakikatnya mereka kini pembangkang bukan lagi kerajaan sebagaimana sebelum itu.

Banyak harta benda kerajaan dirampas malahan bangunan Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK) yang dulunya menjadi tempat Umno berpaut tiba-tiba kosong daripada sebarang peralatan seperti meja, kipas angin, kerusi, papan kenyataan hatta penyapu semuanya di 'kebas' tanpa segan silu.

BN dan Umno sekarang ini bukan lagi kapal yang dipenuhi barangan yang belayar dengan sempurna di lautan luas tetapi sebuah kapal yang pecah di sana sini malahan ada yang berpendapat hampir karam setelah dilanda tsunami.

Setelah berjaya menguasai politik negara, lima buah negeri yag dimenangai Pakatan Rakyat melaksanakan pendekatan harmoni dengan rakyat umpamanya di Pulau Pinang walaupun berketua menterikan seorang berbangsa cina beragama Budha namun pengalamanya menjadi pembangkang membuatkan ramai yang suka cara pendekatan yang diatur.

Lim Guan Eng dalam ucapan terima kasih pada rakyat sempena himpunan setahun Pakatan Rakyat di Padang Kota Lama menyifatkan kejayaan sepanjang memerintah adalah buah tangan yang berharga untuk dimanafaatkan bersama rakayt keseluruhannya.

Antara kejayaan yang dikecapi ialah Kerajaan Negeri sanggup berkonfrontasi dengan pihak tertentu untuk mendapat manfaat yang wajar diterima anak Negeri Pulau Pinang seperti berkonfrontasi dengan MMC-Gamuda JV yang mana akhirnya syarikat tersebut membayar denda sebanyak RM4.2 juta kepada Kerajaan Negeri meliputi Jabatan Parit dan Saliran RM3,200,000.00 yuran tanah RM33,000 dan RM3,200 yuran perancangan.

Kerajaan Negeri juga katanya, dapat memjimatkan wang membaiki perkhidmatan Keretapi Bukit Bendera apabila melantik kontraktor yang menawarkan kos RM589,466.37 dalam masa dua bulan saja berbanding enam bulan yang dijanjikan oleh kontraktor lain.

Selain itu dapat menjimatkan RM500,000 bila mana membatalkan tempahan pembelian lima buah Proton Perdana untuk kegunaan exco.

Melaksanakan tender terbuka pada 11 Mac 2008 di mana katanya, waktu itu mendapat kutukan daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan.

Tiba-tiba Kerajaan Persekutuan sendiri terpaksa akur dengan cara tersebut apabila melaksanakan tender terbuka untuk pembinaan Jambatan Kedua Pulau Pinang.

Ada lagi usaha yang sedang rancak dibangunkan di sini umpamanya Wi-Fi percuma, pembasmian miskin tegar, Hub Halal, bantuan kebajikan kepada mangsa kebakaran banjir dan bencana dalam tempuh 24 jam, memberi nafas baru pada Komplek Tun Abdul Razak (Komtar) dan banyak lagi.

"Sebenarnya itulah yang dimahukan oleh rakyat bukan memimpin mereka dengan kekerasan di samping mengaut kekayaan ke kantung sendiri. Bila kerajaan baik rakyat akan memberikan kerjasama tanpa mengira keturunan, bangsa atau agama. Tengok bila BN dan Umno gagal melaksanakan tanggungjawab apa yang jadi, mereka di tolak dalam pilihan raya kelak, " tegasnya.

Selain beliau, turut berucap dalam majlis berkenaan ialah Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Permatang Pasir, Haji Hamdan Abdul Rahman yang mewakili PAS.

Beliau menegaskan, jika ada kelemahan Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di Pulau Pinang rakyat diminta bersama membantu kerana pembentukan kerajaan baru setahun jagung.

"Marilah kita berikan sokongan tanpa berbelah bahagi kepada Pakatan Rakyat yang dipilih rakyat menggantikan BN yang terserlah dengan penyelewengan dan pembohongan, " terangnya.

Antara yang berucap lagi ialah Timbalan Ketua Menteri 1, Mohamad Fairus Khairudin, Timbalan Ketua Menteri 2, Profesor Dr Ramasamy, Exco Hal Ehwal Pengguna, Abdul Malik Abul Kasim, Exco Pelancongan, Law Heng Kiang, Exco Pertanian, Low Choo Kiang, Exco Kerajaan Tempatan, Chow Kon Yeow dan ramai lagi. - mks. _

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Kerusi Berkerat

Huh...bosan dan memang ternyata kebosanan yang dialami. Tp antara bosan2 yang pernah dialami bosan kali inilah yang agak menarik untuk dihayati.

Camne la boleh patah, ak rase ak duduk elok je..mesti ade bnda yang kacau ak nih..

Pastu order makan pon len macam, order punya order nasi kosong lah yang paling lambat sekali siap..

Pastu order bungkus pulak dah la klu nak ikutkan order bungkus tu kalau nak ikutkan extra namanya, tp bile dah order xtra ttbe je ade satu lagi xtra spe punya keje la tu yea...

cte plak pasal org yang kurg confident ni rse buang mase je ckp dgn diowg
yg sowg tu malu2 kucing
yg sowg lagi gelak2 je keje.
pastu yg sowg tu ntah pelik semacam je..
sowg lagi sibuk tutup telinga
yg sowg tu mmg focus gle...

pastu dah la masa nak balik tu rasa x sedap ati, rupanya apa yang dipanggil penggulungan awal betul2 mnenjadi..
kemudian ade plak orang sesak, knp bole sesak ak pon x taw.. mgkin datang dr penggulungan awal td kot..spe la yang buat tu yea

mmg btol la klu renggang mana sekalipon, seseorang tu mesti akan berbaik juga...
sma ada cpat atau lambat
sma ada ssah atau senang
sma ada kelaka mahupon x masuk akal..

pastu drpd penggulungan awal bole juga la dpt cerita yang sebenar, selalunya mesti dpt cerita sebelah pihak je ssah wOo nak prcaye.. ble dah dpt kedua2 pihak barulah middle man nmenye..
ak harap yg bangsa satu lagi tu dpt juga la pecahkan halangan sosial yang sedang dihadapi..

hari tengah2..
hmpir trlupa pasal keranda
ble check blik lepas lpak ngan ex-ketua asrama hamidianz rupe2 nye dah lbeh 100k
huhu, mmg berbaloi la..sume org dah nmpak bersatu..

masok plak kemudiannya,
ade men baling2 ade sorang je teruna yang len sume dah mmg sedia ada la..
tp yang si teruna tu orang kate mmg padan la dgn name teruna,,,
patutnya dr awal sampai habis perlu dikekalkan je yang sedia ada..
xde la kucar kacir sgt..
kecian yang sedia ada nak gak merasa kedudukan
xpelah next sem truskan kat bandar anggerik..

hujan mmg panas

ckp la cte pasal keranda,
mmg ak nak masukkan je kedalam keranda..
ckp dah la putar belit,
ngatkan dah besar tu bole gak la jd pembimbing ak rpenye bole jd perosak bangsa adela..
ckp gebang ble suwoh keluar fakta mcm2 la dy ckp.
yg penuh dy ckp hari2
perkapita x taw maksud
samakan malaysia ngan singapura
lbey bek smakan dgn jepun..
pstu taw plak jepun dah maju sebelum tu
prmikiran rakyat malaysia lain dgn jepun
tp mcm sme plak dgn singapura..dah la buat sakit ati je

bak kata si dye,....wat ever la..mak nyah hahahahahahhha....

Monday, 2 March 2009

Bawah pokok pun bole...

sedangkan urusan khalifah dulu juga pernah menyelesaikan isu2 mereka juga dibawah pokok...

kalau nak menuntuk hak kat mana2 pon bole.. x yah la nak tutup permikiran rakyat kalau DUN tutup maka tamatlah kuasa rakyat untuk mencari kebenaran..

permikiran mereka menjadi lebeih teruk..

jgn sampai lepas ni keluar pulak notis untuk tutup PARLIMEN..

takut hilang kuasa punya pasal macam2 diorg buat..

dr awal lagi sudah dijangkakan kuasa POLIS akan digunakan.

kuasa polis tu sebenrnya tak la besar mana pon..

jangan lah pikir sma ada usul tersebut sah atau tidak yang penting sekarang nilai lah usaha kedua2 belah pihak yang mana satu lebih menjurus kepada rakyat MALAYSIA tercinta ini..

kepada semua RAKYAT MALAYSIA ikutilah segala kerja2 terdesak ini kerana selepas ini kamu semua akan rindukan suasana seperti sekarang kerana lepas ni tidak akan ada lagi kerajaan terdesak seperti sekarang.Tuhan itu maha AGong. bukannya agong(sultan) yg lagi agong..

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Bahasa Owh BAhAsa...

THE issue of the teaching of science and mathematics in English in our schools remains very much a concern to Malay intellects, mainly those from linked to academia, the Malay language agency Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka on those in the literary world.

But before I proceed to tell you again what I think they should be focusing on because of the many problems with our Bahasa, I shall outline some sectors where I think Malaysians not conversant in English will not be able to find decent employment.

I want to make clear that I use simply Bahasa because I think even here those who have been championing the use of our national language are not sure themselves what we should call it.

A long time ago it was Bahasa Melayu which later was changed to Bahasa Malaysia. I think in between it was also referred to as Bahasa Kebangsaan. We then went back to Bahasa Melayu for a while before reverting to Bahasa Malaysia again.

There was a time when the government and some in the mainstream media had to show enthusiasm over Bahasa Baku, a terminology promoted by then deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim.

You are still confused as to what is rightly the correct Bahasa? Not to worry. At the end of this piece you would probably be more confused like you’ve never been!

We now look at where the Bahasa-only Malaysians will not be able to find meaningful employment, in a job which would later help them advance to senior management level.

Needless to say those who are good in both Bahasa and English should have little problem in getting a job in most sectors, including the ones which requires only Bahasa.

What this means is that those who speak and understand both languages have more choices, both in and outside the country.

Media: Newspapers like the New Straits Times, Star, Sun, Edge, Malaysian Reserve, Malay Mail.. Also the major advertising agencies and public relations consultancies. The Bahasa people can only hope to find jobs in Berita Harian, the Utusan Group, Harian Metro. As pointed out, those good at both languages can also look for jobs at these places.

Banking: All types of banking. Absolutely no way the Bahasa only bloke can hope to rise to senior manager level and absolutely no way he or she can hope to be posted to branches overseas, with the exception of maybe in Indonesia.

Foreign service: Another big no. In fact so concerned was the government with the decline in the standards of English amongst Malaysians that it decided to set up an institute just to coach trainee officers and others English.

Pilots: Both in the air and on water, both commercial and military. How could you when the language internationally for this sector is English. No compromise here.

The other sectors which require a reasonably good command of English are engineering, medicine and architecture. You also need English to do things like sail around the world the way Azhar Mansor did or climb Mt. Everest.

One of the reasons cited for the objection to the use of English in teaching the two subjects is that most Malay kids from the rural areas cannot cope and compete with their friends from the towns.

Would reverting to Bahasa help these rural kids? In the long term definitely not because of the limited opportunities for them as mentioned above.

The way to go should be for the Malay intellectuals to ask the government to find ways to help those rural kids catch up. A good teaching system would definitely help and good teachers have been known to achieve miracles even with students initially deemed to be useless, those we often describe as having “no future”.

The Malay pressure groups need worry not about Bahasa being confined to the back corners of the classrooms. I don’t think any political leader would have the exceptional courage to initiate a move perceived to relegate Bahasa below English. Which means Bahasa will continue as the main medium of instruction in our schools.

Another reason quoted by the intellectuals was what the Federal Constitution says but again, because of the reasons above, this should not be seen as an issue at all.

As suggested last week, I think it will be time and effort better spent if the Bahasa intellectuals can get together soonest possible to diligently scrutinise Bahasa and see what’s wrong with the language.

Their priority should be to apply the brakes on something that has been moving unchecked for some years now, in the process making our Bahasa less and less recognisable from the Bahasa that Malaysians 40 and above are familiar with.

If nothing is done the next generation of Malaysians will speak not Bahasa Melayu, Malaysia or whatever but rather a language known as Salinan Bahasa Inggeris.

How could anyone call it our Bahasa when we have allowed jumlah penduduk to be replaced by populasi, rasuah by korupsi, ilmu hisab by matematik, masyarakat by komuniti, jaga kereta by parkir and ilmu alam by geografi?

Absolute Power corrupts absolutely!!!

It seems that Datuk Seri Nizar is getting it, with some help of the legal kind. He must have done, for him to retract his earlier remarks about PR's so called 'no-confidence motion' against Datuk Zambry and re-dress it as a 'motion of confidence' in him.

This is crucial as you can only table a no-confidence vote against a recognized sitting government and duly appointed state executive. Datuk Seri Nizar's clever retraction of his earlier remarks is an attempt to re-spin what PR is going to do in the much talked about next sitting of the Perak DUN, in the legal sense.

The fact that he vacated the MB's residence in response to a letter ordering the move from the State Secretary may also need a re-spin, because, out of respect or not, he may have set a legal precedent by acquiescing to an order from an agent of the new BN regime.

Complying with an order means recognizing its authority. Similar perhaps to a case of squatter's rights. Possession, as they say, is nine tenths of the law. This, however, may require something more than any layman legal opinion to bear any weight.

As for BN, they have already shipped their case to London to be referred to a Queen's Council for some legal advice to the dicey Perak story, as is being reported by the media recently.

But getting legal advice is not the only thing that PR is doing that is similar to BN. It would seem that PR is also getting savvy in underhanded methods and questionable means. Using whatever they can to get whatever they want, just like big brother BN.

What I am talking about is the actions of Perak Speaker and his Machiavellian machinations which see Datuk Zambry and six other BN assemblymen suspended from the Perak DUN and barred from attending its sitting.

This move has even been called into question by DAP Chairman and respected lawyer Karpal Singh and condemned by other Speakers of the house, that aired their reactions to his shenanigans in the media.

While it is recognized that as Speaker, V. Sivakumar's ruling on the matter is final as is stated in article 89 of Standing Orders, any recommendations by the Rights and Privileges Committee must first be brought before the Perak DUN before any ruling is passed as governed by Article 72 of same.

Any premature ruling may be a tad too hasty for the Speaker and indeed may even be against the abovementioned Article 72.

Though if you look at what PR intends to in the next Perak Dun sitting, it all comes to light. This is another adroit political power play that is toe to toe with BN's earlier coup de grace.

Like BN's earlier sweep of removing 3 ADUNs from PR and swaying the independents of the DUN hence bringing down Datuk Nizar's fragile majority, PR has in one fell swoop removed any hope whatsoever for BN to counter any move they make in Perak's State Legislative Assembly.

Bravo! Bravo! PR has beaten big brother in their own little game.

One has to admire the mind behind such a cool and calculated move, though many would probably wonder if they have voted in another monster, not unlike the BN that they booted out, into their constituency.

This may be the cause of the schism in current PR leadership, those who look to legalities to redress a perceived wrong like Karpal Singh on one side and those who seek to gain advantages via manipulating legalities and standing orders on the other.

Partisan politics aside, it is not beyond the realm of thought for any of us to put two and two together and figure this one out. The Zambry suspension? Nizar's vote of confidence motion? It is all too convenient and certainly not a coincidence.

Some say that BN is practising dirty politics and using the Monarchy and Royal privilege for their own ends, but so is PR using the Speaker's so called 'immunity' and Standing Orders to pursue their own ends as well.

If BN is inherently dirty and practices dirty politics, then PR too is now tainted and as sullied as BN, as proven by this game that they have so deftly picked up after only one year or so in power.

More so this underhanded move, this seeming disrespect of the Royals and this willingness to exercise carte blanche to get whatever they want is coming from a coalition that claims to be exactly the opposite of just that.

It is just weeks ago that PR claims BN is strong-arming its influence on the Sultan and denying the democratic process by stalling attempts to trigger snap polls.

But now PR itself may be seen as denying the soul of the democratic process by using its own strong-arm tactics to tip the scales of the DUN in their favour through the suspensions of the Datuk Zambry and his excos.

It does not matter whether as Datuk Seri Nizar is quoted by the press as saying, that BN is "running scared" or not. What matters is the coalition that once rode on the high horse is now playing around in the same muck.

As the saying goes, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". In this case maybe the saying runs true

Friday, 6 February 2009

2 Kerajaan negeri,penafian suara rakyat??

Tidak keterlaluan kalau saya mengatakan bahawa negeri Perak sekarang seolah- olah Palestin, bukannya maksud saya negeri Perak sedang mengalami rampasan wilayah, serangan tentera, krisis makanan mahupun ketiadaan bekalan elektrik.Namun apa yang saya ingin sampaikan ialah mereka sedang diperintah oleh dua kerajaan sama seperti apa yang berlaku di sana iaitu rakyat Palestin ditadbir oleh Hamas dan Fatah di Palestin. Keadaan menunjukkan persamaan dimana rakyat sedang inginkan suara mereka didengar kembali.Sultan sudah memerintahkan bahawa DUN tidak dibubarkan hanya MB sahaja sahaja yang perlu ditukar serta barisan exco kepada barisan yang kononnya mempunyai suara majoriti. Amat ringkas kalau saya mengatakan yang bahawa kalau kita lihat pada perkembangan sekarang tidak perlu lagilah Pilihan raya diadakan lagi di Malaysia kerana suara rakyat sudah tidak diperlukan dalam menentukan kepimpinan kerajan negeri. Rakyat sekarang berasa lebih lega jika selepas ini cara pemilihan barisan kepimpinan di negara ini hanya ditentukan oleh kuasa Sultan mahupun kuasa YDPA. Pilihan raya sudah tidak bermakna bagi lagi bagi rakyat terutamanya di negeri Perak. Penat mereka mengundi untuk memastikan barisan untuk 5 tahun yang mendatang tetapi hanya tak sampai sebulan suara mereka dengan bangganya dinafikan walaupun secara hakikatnya telah bermula sejak setahun yang lalu. Memang barisan yang baru diiktiraf oleh kerajaan juga diperkenan sultan. Fatah juga turut diiktiraf dunia manakala kemenangan yang diperolehi Hamas tidak diperakui dah sinonim apa yang berlaku di Perak. Bagaimanakah penilaian rakyat Negara ini yang sudah mula menunjukkan sikap bosan terhadap sistem politik(demokrasi) yang diamalkan.Wahai warganegara sedarlah bahawa suara rakyat sudah semakin tidak diperlukan. Demonstrasilah dengan apa cara sekalipun namun jangan mengharap barisan kepimpinan yang kononnya terbuka ini sebenarnya sedang menutup pemikiran rakyat hanya dengan menggunakan beberapa perkataan yang mudah iaitu demokrasi yang bermaksud lompatlah, pilihlah parti yang anda mahu agar hajat kita semua tercapai.